
Printing ideas

Variable-Data Printing (VDP)

We can assist you in creating a highly-effective customized vehicle for mass communication.
Variable-Date Printing is an innovative service which is generally used for colour and black and white digital printing. “Variable Data” means that you can combine the data stored in a database with a custom-designed printed document. In this way, our clients can send out a personalized message to each individual customer.
This method is without doubt far more effective than a standard printed document; those who receive the customized message will, in all probability, at least read it. The results achieved using one-to-one communication are significantly better than those of a standard message.
The variable-data method is especially effective for invitations to events, tourist brochures, targeted ad campaigns, direct mailings, promotional cards, specialist brochures, fidelity cards, business cards and exclusive promotions.

GFP dato variabilegfp dato variabile calendario

GFP variable dataGFP grafica foto pubblicita dato variabile


QRCodes are two-dimensional matrix barcodes consisting of black modules (square dots) arranged in a square pattern on a white background. This type of barcode is generally used to store information that can be read by a cell-phone or a smart phone, and can also be used by any mobile device incorporating a webcam and the necessary software, which can be downloaded without charge.
A QRCode can contain several types of information: a web address, contacts on an electronic business card, a text message, an appointment for an event, text and any other written information.
QRCodes, which must have the correct dimensions for ease of reading, can be added to printed advertisements, point-of-sale displays, sales catalogues; they can also be displayed on monitors or touchscreen panels, or added to any form of printed material in order to provide a cross-media link to information about a specific theme.
It is also possible to display a web page containing a detailed description of a product, a pdf containing the brochure, the technical manual, an instruction video, a gallery of photographs – in effect, any multi-media material that you might create.
The QRCode is today a widely-used tool, and modern smart phones and tablets feature QRCode readers as standard. All these mobile devices make it possible to exploit the interactive features of the QRCode to the full.
Example of a QRCode with connection to our site:

GFP grafica foto pubblicita QR code

Digital communication – Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality consists of superimposing different levels of information (virtual and multi-media elements, geolocalized date, video, 3D models) onto real, everyday experiences. The elements which “augment” reality can be added using a mobile device – such as an iPhone, Windows or Android phone – or a computer fitted with a webcam.
The most widely used applications in the “mobile” world are those that, from within an application, allow the user to interact with the GPS data from the mobile phone and to supply additional data relative to his or her position or the image being filmed. This technique is most popular in tourist applications which provide detailed information about a monument, a restaurant or a hotel etc.
Augmented Reality in printed material functions using markers – black and white drawings that the webcam recognizes and superimposes with the multimedia content defined by the designer, such as a rotating 3D model, a video, an image or a photo gallery.
In order to enable the multimedia interactivity of augmented reality, the markers can be printed in your catalogue, instruction manual, brochure or advertising page.
This clearly makes the message more innovative and effective than a simple printed page.

GFP realta virtuale GFP realta aumentata